
The academic environment is a very challenging environment that if full of distractions, stress and a whole lot that requires the attention of the scholar. The desire of every student is to excel in his/her academics even in the midst of these challenging situations in school, and for one to excel, one needs to make A’s in his/her courses. That is the reason why i have taken out my time to draft out steps on how you can make straight A’s in all your subject/course, thus excel in school

Step1: Work with Your Lecturer (… Because He Is Your Coach)

Every lecturer is looking for students who are serious about the subject at hand, who will work hand in hand with him/her in the classroom. You’re to consider your lecturer a friend in learning and guidance (someone who is there to help you). So many students think of their lecturer as an enemy, wicked, dictator or someone who forces them to sit and be quiet and gives them assignments. You need to realize that no matter the drilling or piles of assignment your lecturer gives to you; his/her sole aim is to bring out the best in you. Here’s how to work better with your lecturers:

  • Show respect to him/her by not making mockery or jesting of his accent, mannerism or teaching pattern
  • Show interest by participating in class
  • Start and finish the topic with him/her, shun absenteeism
  • Try to understand their teaching pattern
  • Know their dos and don’ts
  • Think of them as coaches and friends, and appreciate their efforts

Step2: Never Miss a Class (… It Could Be Very Difficult to Catch Up)

Most test questions come from important points your lecturer present in class. Everyday your lecturer covers a topic(s) and sometimes exposes key areas of concentration. Therefore, missing class would really create a knowledge gap in your memory and you could find it very difficult to catch up. Impromptu tests are no more a new thing today, so missing classes could pose a stumbling block to optimal success. Attending classes helps you to get first hand explanation of every topic and thus makes reading more enjoyable. Ensure you’re punctual to classes and endeavour to sit up front because its aids your receptivity and prevents distractions.

Step3: Take Notes during Classes (… It Helps You to Be an Active Listener)

As it is popularly said the faintest pen is sharper than the smartest brain, careful note taking and note keeping are important tools of success in any course. No matter how simple, concise or complicated the course might be, always ensure you take note of what is been taught. While taking notes, always look out for key points and potential exam questions. The difference between hearing and listening is concentration, note taking offers you the opportunity to concentrate and thus listen to the lecture. Note taking helps to inhibit absent mindedness, distraction, side traction, dullness and poor understanding. It encapsulates you from distractions and positions your mind into listening.

Step4: Review Your Notes, Study Your Textbooks, Materials And Complete Your Assignment (… It Enhances Better Understanding)

A student who reviews whatsoever s/he learnt within the first 24hrs tends to have better understanding than one who doesn’t. Ensure you revise all topics that were taught during the week by weekend. Use prescribed textbooks and materials when studying your courses. Completing assignment as well gives you a better understanding and also puts your brain to test at your leisure time. Never see assignments as punishment, rather see it as an avenue to know more and to become more skilful. Ensure you complete your assignments before time and submit when due. What differentiates assignment from test/examination is just the limited time allotted and supervision. Therefore, you need to take them seriously. Also never relegate your practical work to the background because it plays a vital role to achieving success in the course.

Step5: Study Ahead Of the Next Class (… It Serves As an Aroma for the Meal to Come)

Always stay at least a step ahead of every topic that is to be taught in the next class. When you study ahead, you will end up getting a better understanding of the topic when it’s been taught in class. It gives you a foretaste of the lecture and makes you to be test-ready. You also need to adopt a strategy for studying, as it will serve as a guide to effective study. Avoid being a cram, pour and forget (CPF) student. Seek to know and to become a master of it, because that will make you a better student on the long run. It’s very important for you to marry your studies with prayers and proclamations of faith.

Step6: Prove Your Worth On The D-Day (…. Because it’s The Indicator for the Overall Reaction)

Examination is not a true test of knowledge, many will argue; but it stands as the only medium that the academic institution uses to ascertain the student’s level of understanding and intelligence. The onus is therefore on the student to prove his/her worth on that very day of examination. Ensure you must have reviewed and revised your notes, textbooks, materials more than once before you step into the examination hall. While in the examination hall, do well to observe these

  • Always put your complete trust in God
  • Be self-confident and comport yourself as a good scholar ought to (do not be tensed up, scared or indecisive)
  • Ensure you understand all instructions before reading the questions
  • Ensure you understand the questions before attempting to answer
  • Start with the question you understand most and thereafter proceed in descending order
  • Concentrate solely on your work and avoid distraction of any sort
  • If a question proves very difficult, leave it, go to the next questions and afterwards come back to it
  • If it’s a theory question (calculation) ensure you are meticulous and adhere to procedures given to you in class
  • After attempting all questions, don’t rush out of the hall immediately; ensure you crosscheck your work over and over again before submitting.

These steps have been tested and trusted by myself and also by some great scholars, and I believe if you could try them out in your academics, they will prove fruitful.

Author: genesisenwenyeokwu

Enwenyeokwu Genesis is a graduate of Polymer and Textile Engineering, who has a strong passion to impact upon the life of young people. He is analytical, critical, a social motivator and Godfearing

7 thoughts on “HOW TO MAKE STRAIGHT A’s”

  1. this is a very good piece and an eye opener. how I wish most of our students could have access to this piece of information. keep it up


  2. this is fantastic, I actually practised most of them when I was in school and they were pivotal to my success in school. good one there


  3. Real straightforward facts to success. So glad I saw this. Can’t wait to start practising them. Thanks so much @codedgee


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